2009 Publisher’s Weekly BHB Reader’s Choice Best Books
The French and Indian War, a Shawnee warrior, an English lady, blood vengeance, deadly pursuit, primal, powerful, passionate… THROUGH THE FIRE

For a moment, he simply looked at her. What lay behind those penetrating eyes?
Shoka held out the cup. “Drink this.”
Did he mean to help her? Rebecca had heard hideous stories of
warriors’ brutality, but also occasionally of their mercy. She tried to
sit, moaning at the effect this movement had on her aching body. She
sank back down.
He slid a corded arm beneath her shoulders and gently raised her
head. Encouraged by his unexpected aid, she sipped, grimacing at the
bitterness. The vile taste permeated her mouth. Weren’t deadly herbs
Dear Lord. Had he tricked her into downing a fatal brew? She eyed him accusingly. “’Tis poison.”
He arched one black brow. “No. It’s good medicine. Will make your pain less.”
Unconvinced, she clamped her mouth together.
“I will drink. See?” he said, and took a swallow.
She parted her lips just wide enough to argue. “It may take more than a mouthful to kill.”
He regarded her through narrowing eyes. “You dare much.”
Though she knew he felt her tremble, she met his piercing gaze. If he were testing her, she wouldn’t waver.
His sharp expression softened. “Yet you have courage.”~
“Through the Fire is full of interesting characters,
beautifully described scenery, and vivid action sequences. It is a must
read for any fan of historical romance.” ~Poinsettia, reviewer with Long
and Short Reviews
the primal howl of a wolf, the liquid spill of a mountain stream.
Welcome to the colonial frontier where the men fire muskets and wield
tomahawks and the women are wildcats when threatened.
The year is 1758, the height of the French and Indian War. Passions
run deep in the raging battle to possess a continent, its wealth and
furs. Both the French and English count powerful Indian tribes as their
allies. The Iroquois League,
Shawnee, and others bring age-old rivalries to the conflict—above all
the ardent desire to hold onto what is theirs. Who will live, and who
will fall?
From Reviewer Sheila at Two Lips

“Ms. Trissel has captured the time period
wonderfully. As Rebecca and Kate travel in the wilderness, though
beautiful, many dangers lurk for the unsuspecting sisters. Away from the
gentility they grew up around, the people they meet as they travel to
their uncle in the wilderness are rougher and more focused on survival
regardless of which side they belong. I love historical novels because
they take me to times and places that I cannot visit and Through the Fire is no different.
I read I am transported back to the mid-1700’s on the American frontier
as Britain and France maneuver to control the American continent. I can
see how each side feels they are right and the other side the
aggressor. I watch how the natives take sides based on promises made but
not kept. I felt I was there through Ms. Trissel’s descriptions and settings.”
*Available in print and digital download from The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers.
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