“This book touched my soul even as it provided a thrilling fictional escape into a period of history I have always found fascinating.” ~ Laurie-J Reviewer for Red Bird’s Song at Night Owl Romance
“With “Red Bird’s Song”, Beth Trissel has painted an unforgettable portrait of a daring and defiant love brought to life in the wild and vivid era of Colonial America. Highly recommended for lovers of American history and romance lovers alike!” ~Review by Virginia Campbell

*Image of the Alleghenies by my mother, Pat Churchman

“I love historical romances. They are one of my favorites and anymore when I think of a historical I think of Beth Trissel.”~Reviewed by Bella Wolfe, You Gotta Read Reviews
“Beth Trissel is a skilled storyteller and scene-builder. She immediately plunges the reader into action and excitement with a vivid sense of time and place.” ~Historical Romance Author Kris Kennedy ( for Enemy of the King)

“Ms. Trissel’s alluring style of writing invites the reader into a world of fantasy and makes it so believable it is spellbinding.” ~Camellia, Long and Short Reviews

“As I read Somewhere My Love, I recalled the feelings I experienced the first time I read Daphne DuMaurier’s Rebecca long ago. Using deliciously eerie elements similar to that gothic romance, Beth Trissel has captured the haunting dangers, thrilling suspense and innocent passions that evoke the same tingly anticipation and heartfelt romance I so enjoyed then, and still do now.”
~ Joysann, Publishers Weekly
Time Travel, Ghosts, and Reincarnation. Sacred relics and star-crossed lovers. Fantasy, mystery, magic, and above all romance...
The idea behind my ‘Somewhere series’ is that the story opens in an old home, so far Virginia, and then transports the reader back in time either in the same old house or another place entirely, such as the Scottish Highlands. “Know that love is truly timeless.” ~Author Mary M. Ricksen
"Beth Trissel has written a captivating ghost story entwining a contemporary love story with the mystery of a murder from the nineteenth century. The wonderful characters and evocative historical details caught my attention from the first page.” ~ Romance Author Helen Scott Taylor for light paranormal romance Somewhere my Love
"Beth Trissel has written a captivating ghost story entwining a contemporary love story with the mystery of a murder from the nineteenth century. The wonderful characters and evocative historical details caught my attention from the first page.” ~ Romance Author Helen Scott Taylor for light paranormal romance Somewhere my Love

Reviewed by: Silvermage of Night Owl Reviews ~’Somewhere My Lass was a wonderful time-travel romance. I enjoyed that the time-travel went from the past to 2009 and not the other way.”
“Somewhere My Lass presents a convoluted time-twisting conundrum which becomes more intriguing as it goes along. I found the romance of it touching, the enigma baffling, and the resolution unexpected. A light, interesting blend of contemporary and historical fiction.” ~joysann, Publisher’s Weekly

*Image of the Virginia Family home place (circa 1816), the inspiration and setting for the old home in Somewhere the Bells Ring.
“Ms. Trissel captivates her reader from the moment you start reading the first page. She has written a compelling love story that spans some fifty plus years and keeps you entertained every step of the way with the story within a story…I fell in love with Ms. Trissel’s characters and look forward to the next delightful story ready with Kleenex box in hand. A must read for every romance fan.”
~Reviewed by Robin for Romancing the Book
~Reviewed by Robin for Romancing the Book

“A brilliant historical romance by Beth Trissel. You can feel her passion in the story, very well written and characters that you can feel. Into the Lion’s Heart will take you through a journey of love, and enough surprises to keep you hanging on. If you love a beautiful historical romance you will enjoy this story!”
~Reviewer: Wanda from Romance Writers Reviews
Recently I branched out beyond historical and light paranormal romance with a nonfiction book about country life entitled Shenandoah Watercolors,available as a Kindle, FREE to Amazon Prime members.

2008 Winner Preditor’s & Editor’s Readers Poll
Publisher’s Weekly BHB Reader’s Choice Best Books of 2009
Publisher’s Weekly BHB Reader’s Choice Best Books of 2009

Won Book of the Week Five Times At LASR
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” ~ William Ward
For more on my work please visit my website at: www.bethtrissel.com
My Daughter of the Stars Blog is loaded with a variety of posts centered around the general theme of Historical and Light Paranormal Romance, gardening with a focus on herbs, heirloom plants, and country life, but many other topics as well. Even more articles are posted at my other blog One Writers Way at: http://bethtrissel.wordpress.com/
My Daughter of the Stars Blog is loaded with a variety of posts centered around the general theme of Historical and Light Paranormal Romance, gardening with a focus on herbs, heirloom plants, and country life, but many other topics as well. Even more articles are posted at my other blog One Writers Way at: http://bethtrissel.wordpress.com/
*Image of my garden taken by daughter Elise
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