Spring came early this year to the Shenandoah Valley, though the weather has been, 'right mixy," to use a local country expression.Even more than usual for spring in these parts.
If it could always be spring….what joy. And I’m allergic to it, been on shots and meds for years, but I love it anyway, I say as I sit here sniffling. But such beauty sends the spirit soaring, despite the sneezing. These Virginia bluebells were given to me by my dear grandmother and have spread wonderfully in the dappled shade.

I come from a long line of plant lovers and inherited the gardening gene. I’ve passed it on to my younger daughter, my right arm in the garden, but all of my children are fans. And now ‘the smalls,’ the grandbabies, are our new crop of apprentices. My seven yr old grandson is of some real help.
Sometimes the four yr olds are a modicum of use, or not terribly at odds with the agenda. But two yr olds and under are no help at all. Nor, I might add, are well-meaning dogs who lie on plants. One of our dogs, a lab mix, eats asparagus, corn, and tomatoes. He’s worse than groundhogs and raccoons, so we’ve secured our fence against him. I think…

My dream is to have the perfect garden like Mr. McGregor‘s in Peter Rabbit. Dream on, I say to self. But I'm ever the dreamer, especially in the spring. Everything seems possible then. Even heaven on earth.
Avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides or you’ll kill the worms and other beneficial insects. I mix up an organic brew to spray on susceptible plants to fight diseases and battle our most voracious pests. I’m currently experimenting with concoctions. I like an online site called Gardens Alive that sells environmentally responsible products.
To whatever organic brew I’m using from them, I add a Tablespoon of baking soda, liquid kelp or seaweed fertilizer, and insecticidal soap per gallon. I avoid fish based liquid fertilizers as the scent attracts the barn cats who take undo interest in the plants. I can’t say for certain how well any of my brews work, but at least I’m not hurting anything. ‘Do no harm,’ the physicians creed also applies in the garden. Even organic insecticides can kill the good bugs and butterflies, so use with great caution.

Some of these vintage varieties involve saving seed and ordering from specialty catalogs. Those herbs and flowers that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, songbirds, and honey bees are of special interest to me. I strive to create a wildlife sanctuary of sorts. The American love of a chemically dependent green lawn is the opposite of what beneficial insects and wildlife need, and plants for that matter. Think wildflowers and herbs. Rejoice in the butterflies and hummers that will follow.

Radishes are also a good companion for lettuce, spinach, and carrots. If I were to choose one companion plant it would be radishes and the second, nasturtiums, but there are many excellent choices and we’re learning more all the time about effective combinations. (Image of lemon scented marigolds, also of benefit.)

Pumpkins and squash better survive when rotated from their usual spots. This year we tucked a pumpkin in among the massive, native clematis vine growing along the backyard fence that we refer to as ‘the beast.’ The borers didn’t find it, plus ‘the beast’ helped cradle the orange globes.

We’ve observed that old-fashioned sunflowers with multiple heads (planted by birds from the birdseed variety) grow the most vigorously. Sunflowers attract masses of goldfinches, a favorite songbird, and when planted in and around corn, reduce army worms in the ears.
Marigolds are an excellent companion plant for vegetable and flowers to help ward off Japanese beetles. Borage enriches the soil, attracts honey bees, and is another good companion for squash. Onions planted near carrots help repel the carrot fly. Chamomile (German, the annual variety) is another good companion plant but use it sparingly. The perennial form of chamomile, Roman (Anthemis nobilis) is creeping all over the place and makes a lovely fragrant ground cover at the border of other herbs and flowers.

Garden images taken by daughter Elise. Well, most of them.
Loved your post today. What is the yellow bird in the pic?
Thanks Sherry. That bird is a goldfinch. My mom took that pic at her feeder.