My fascination with stirring tales of the colonial frontier and Eastern Woodland Indians is an early and abiding one. My English/Scot-Irish ancestors were among the first settlers of the Shenandoah Valley
and had family members killed and captured by the Indians. Some
individuals returned and left intriguing accounts of their captivity,
while others disappeared without a trace. Whether they were killed or
adopted into various tribes, we have no way of knowing. On the
Houston/Rowland side of the family, I have ties to Governor Sam Houston, President James Madison and Malcolm 1st of Scotland (that last one’s a stretch).

Another ancestor, Mary Moore, is the subject of a book entitled The Captives of Abb’s Valley.
An admirable woman who lived to tell an amazing tale. In a separate
account, a Scots-Irish Moffett forebear captured as a child became a
boyhood companion of the revered Shawnee Chief Tecumseh. When young
Moffett grew up, he married into the tribe and had a son, but that’s the
subject of a different novel, historical romance Red Bird’s Song.
18th century ancestor on the Churchman (English) side of the family was
invited by the Shawnee/Delaware to help negotiate a treaty with the
English because he was Quaker and more sympathetic to the tribes. Many
incidents that took place during the Indian Border Wars in Augusta County, Virginia, a vast track of land in 18th century America that spanned entire states, are unrecorded.
Historian Joseph Waddell in his Annals of Augusta County
says we know only a fraction of the drama that occurred during that
dramatic era. People were too preoccupied trying to survive to write
much about it.
I invite you back to a time forgotten by most.

Elliot is an English lady. In her attempt to escape a painful past, she
unwittingly enters a dangerous world of rugged mountains, wild animals,
and even wilder men. The rules are different here and she doesn’t know
Shoka is a half-Shawnee, half-French warrior, swift and sure like the
hawk, and silent as the moon. He makes Rebecca his prisoner, but the
last thing he wants is to lose his head and already shredded heart to
another impossibly beautiful woman…this one with blindingly blue eyes
and a blistering temper. With dark forces gathering against them, will
Rebecca and Shoka fight together or be destroyed?
the Fire is full of interesting characters, beautifully described
scenery, and vivid action sequences. It is a must read for any fan of
historical romance.” ~Poinsettia, Long and Short Reviews
***Available in print & ebook for any ereader or electronic device from The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other online booksellers. Prices for Through the Fire and my other titles have recently been reduced.
“Ms. Trissel
has captured the time period wonderfully. As Rebecca and Kate travel in
the wilderness, though beautiful, many dangers lurk for the
unsuspecting sisters. Away from the gentility they grew up around, the
people they meet as they travel to their uncle in the wilderness are
rougher and more focused on survival regardless of which side they
belong. I love historical novels because they take me to times and
places that I cannot visit and Through the Fire
is no different. As I read I am transported back to the mid-1700’s on
the American frontier as Britain and France maneuver to control the
American continent. I can see how each side feels they are right and the
other side the aggressor. I watch how the natives take sides based on
promises made but not kept. I felt I was there through Ms. Trissel’s descriptions and settings. “
Shelia Reviewer for Two Lips Rating:

Through the Fire made the 2009 Publisher’s Weekly BHB Reader’s Choice Best Books!
*Images of the Alleghenies taken by my mom, Pat Churchman
*Image of Alice and Hawkeye from The Last of the Mohicans film
*Image of Shoka and Rebecca are two separate istock images my talented
brother John Churchman fused together. I also purchased the white wolf
at istock.
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