My daughter Alison reminded me of this excellent quote. I contemplated what image I might use to symbolize the Divine and decided this mystical holy rays of light (royalty free image from istock) seemed best.
Ms. Bret has much wisdom. Here are a few of her most noteworthy quotes. With commentary from yours truly, of course.

*Even a sympathetic dog will do. Or a purry kitty, very comforting. Although the dog will probably care more. Cats have their own way of relating.
*My grandson Colin and his best friend Grady taken by daughter Alison.
“Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.” ― Regina Brett
*This is more true than many of us realize. Definitely worth bearing in mind.
And from Folk Singer John McCutcheon, “Step by step the longest march can be won.”
To this I add, it helps to have a friend walk with you.
*Image taken by my husband Dennis of two little Old Order Mennonite brothers.
“God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.” ― Regina Brett
*Thank heavens for that!

― Regina Brett
“Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.”
― Regina Brett
*Yes, yes, very sound advice. Tough to do.
“I once heard someone say that prayer is more than words. It’s a stance you take, a position you claim. You throw your body against the door to keep the demons from advancing and stay put until they go away.” ― Regina Brett
*Stand firm. And may God be with you.
“Life isn’t about how you survived the storm … it’s about how you danced in the rain. Dance with me.” ― Regina Brett
(Image of the garden and old red barn in the background)

*Image of North River in the mist taken by my mom, Pat Churchman.
“…there were two kinds of women: those who wear nail polish and those who don’t. Which do you prefer?…” ― Regina Brett
*Actually, those who don’t. There’s no way an avid gardener can keep their nail polish looking good, and I feel more at home with earthier sorts like gardeners. Not that I will shun you if you wear polish. You may have other superb attributes.

*Kitten image is royalty free, but perfect so I bought it. We didn’t happen to have a basket of kittens on hand for this post. Although they are scampering among the corn, pumpkins, and potatoes in the garden.
*Ummm, but not if you have anything contagious, please. But I suspect that’s not what she intended.
*Image of my niece Cailin as the fairy princess. An ardent believer in fairies whom I fully support.
“Your children get only one childhood.”
― Regina Brett
― Regina Brett
Unless you’re Peter Pan, or headed to Never Never Land. In truth, some of us never really grew up, we just got older.

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” ~Irish Proverb
“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” ~Carrie Snow
Had mine today.
Bring on the kittens. 

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