At long last Shenandoah Watercolors is out in print! My talented daughter Elise labored hours and hours to design the layout and incorporate her and my mom, Pat Churchman, and husband Dennis's beautiful photographs of the Shenandoah Valley and mountains. Also a few vintage images from times past.
A lovely coffee table sized book, Shenandoah Watercolors should be a joy to those who want to savor the images and linger with me in my beloved valley.
The book is available at Amazon, and I authorized other outlets for it as well but am not sure where it many show up for sale. The cost is as inexpensive as we could possibly make it for a book of this size with so many colored images. We won't get rich, that's for sure, but hope to share our love of the country, of our valley and the mountains, of family and all that's good. And God bless those who join us.
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